About Us

Our Purpose

  • To provide a forum for the exchange of information and to facilitate cooperative and collaborative problem solving

Our Mission

  • To provide a forum for the exchange of information and to facilitate cooperative and collaborative problem solving

  • To promote appropriate utilization of air medical services

  • To work with governmental and regulatory agencies to affect change in aviation regulations and issues pertaining to the transport of the critically ill and injured patient

  • To develop a coordinated air medical response to mass casualty incidents and disaster management

  • To interface with Wisconsin EMS, EMS-C and state and regional trauma advisory committees (STAC and RTAC)

  • To interface with like organizations in neighboring states

Click here for contact information

Current Board Members

Chair- Jeremy Desotell
Flight For Life

Vice Chair- Steve Grimaldi
North Memorial AirCare

Treasurer- Leif Erickson
Flight For Life

Secretary- Lucas Stoflet
Life Link III

Immediate Past Chair- Matt Jakubik
North Memorial AirCare